نامه حامیان مادران پارک لاله به خانم ناوی پیلای کمیسر عالی حقوق بشر سازمان ملل و احمد شهید گزارشگر ویژه حقوق بشر ایران سازمان ملل
متن نامه:
با احترام
همان طور که در ملاقات حضوری تعدادی از حامیان مادران پارک لاله مورخ یکشنبه 4 دسامبر 2011 در شهر فرانکفورت، و متعاقب آن گزارش موارد مشخص نقض حقوق بشر از طریق ایمیل، به اطلاع جنابعالی رسید، نقض حقوق بشر در ایران هر روز گسترده تر می شود و در همین راستا، برای تعدادی از حامیان مادران پارک لاله که با وثیقه آزاد شده و در انتظار حکم دادگاه بودند، احکام سنگینی پس از تایید دادگاه تجدید نظرصادر شده و در شرف اجرا است. این احکام حتی مغایر با قوانین جمهوری اسلامی است چرا که همدردی و دادخواهی در هیچ یک از قوانین قضایی ایران جرم نمی باشد. ما ضمن ابراز نگرانی عمیق خود از اجرای احکام ناعادلانه، از جنابعالی تقاضا داریم، مقامات قضایی جمهوری اسلامی ایران را موظف به انجام وظایف قانونی و اجرای تعهدات بین المللی خود نمائید.
ما هم چنین از شما تقاضا می کنیم تا ضمن در خواست آزادی ژیلا کرم زاده مکوندی و سید محمد ابراهیمی، دو تن از حامیان مادران پارک لاله ( مادران عزادار ایران) که هم اکنون در زندان هستند، مانع از اجرای احکام علیه دیگر مادران پارک لاله ایران و خانواده های داغدیده، حکیمه شکری، ندا مستقیمی، و مهدی رمضانی ( پدر رامین رمضانی از کشته شدگان حوادث پس از 2009در ایران) شوید.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر، بیانیه مادران پارک لاله پیوست است.
به احکام ناعادلانه چهار نفر از حامیان مادران پارک لاله که اخیراً حکم شان در دادگاه تجدید نظر تایید شده است، شدیداً اعتراض داریم!
در ادامه روند سرکوب و خشونت افسار گسیخته مسوولان قضایی و امنیتی جمهوری اسلامی، موج جدیدی از بازداشت و به اجرا در آوردن احکام فعالین سیاسی و مدنی را شاهدیم؛ اخیرا نیز باخبر شدیم که احکام ناعادلانه و غیر قابل باور چهار نفر از مادران و حامیان پارک لاله به نام های حکیمه شکری، ندا مستقیمی، مهدی رمضانی و سیدمحمد ابراهیمی در دادگاه تجدید نظر تایید شده است.
در تاریخ 14 آذر سال 1389 تعدادی از خانواده ها و حامیان که برای شرکت در مراسم سالگرد یکی از شهدای جنبش سبز به بهشت زهرا رفته بودند، به شکل دسته جمعی و غیرقانونی بازداشت و به کمیته شهر ری منتقل می شوند. از این تعداد سه نفر به نام های حکیمه شکری، ندا مستقیمی و مهدی رمضانی (پدر رامین رمضانی که در سال 88 در خیابان به ضرب گلوله کشته شد) را بدون هیچ گونه توضیحی به بند 209 زندان اوین منتقل می کنند. دوره بازداشت موقت آنها با شرایط بسیار سخت و فشارهای شدید روحی- روانی ادامه داشت و پس از گذراندن حبس های انفرادی از یک تا سه ماه و بازجویی های مکرر، هر یک با وثیقه های سنگین از یکصد تا دویست و پنجاه هزار تومان به طور موقت آزاد می شوند. دادگاه بدوی این سه تن در تاریخ 23 فروردین 1391 به ریاست قاضی مقیسه برگزار شد و هر یک به اتهام تبلیغ علیه نظام و اقدام علیه امنیت ملی در همکاری با مادران پارک لاله به 3 سال حبس تعزیری محکوم می شوند. ندا مستقیمی نیز علاوه بر سه سال حبس تعزیری به دلیل توهین به رییس جمهوری به صدهزار تومان جریمه نقدی نیز محکوم می شود.
آقای سید محمد ابراهیمی نیز در تاریخ 22 آذر سال 1389 بازداشت شده و هم چنان به اتهام توهین به رهبری و همکاری با مادران پارک لاله در زندان اوین بسر می برد. او مدت هفت ماه را در سلول انفرادی تحت شدیدترین شکنجه و فشارهای جسمی و روانی بود که موجب انتقال او به آسایشگاه روانی امین آباد شد و پدر وی پس از دو ماه از غصه فوت کرد. با این که نامبرده در اعتراض به بازداشت و حکم غیرقانونی خود، در دادگاه تجدید نظر حاضر نشد، ولی حکم پنج سال تعزیری او در دادگاه تجدید نظر تایید شد. سه سال از این محکومیت به اتهام تبلیغ علیه نظام و اقدام علیه امنیت ملی از طریق ارتباط با مادران پارک لاله و دو سال به اتهام توهین به رهبری است.
ما مادران پارک لاله اعلام می داریم که این احکام ظالمانه و دستگیری ها و تهدیدها، کوچک ترین خللی در پیگیری راه دادخواهانه ما ایجاد نخواهد کرد و تا رسیدن به خواسته های بر حق مان از پای نخواهیم نشست. ما ضمن تاکید بر سه خواسته همیشگی خود؛ لغو مجازات اعدام، آزادی زندانیان سیاسی- عقیدتی، محاکمه و مجازات آمران و عاملان تمامی جنایت های صورت گرفته در حکومت اسلامی؛ خواهان لغو فوری و بدون قید و شرط احکام غیر قانونی و ناعادلانه مادران و حامیان پارک لاله هستیم.
مادران پارک لاله
29 شهریور 1391

International Solidarity with the
“Mothers of Laleh Park of Iran”
Her Excellency Navi Pillay
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Human rights abuses in Iran are increasing day by day. Alongside this trend is the approval by the court of appeal of the heavy sentences for some of the supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park, who had been released earlier and were waiting a verdict. These sentences are about to be enforced soon. According to Iran's or even the Islamic Republic's judiciary laws, mere acts of solidarity and support have never been considered a crime. We express our deep concerns regarding these unjust sentences and we ask you to pressure Iran's judiciary system to uphold its legal obligations and act according to its international agreements.
We ask you to prevent the enforcement of the sentences for other supporters of the Mothers of Laleh Park, Hakimeh Shokri, Neda Mostaghimi, and Mehdi Ramezani (father of Ramin Ramezani, whom was shot and killed on the street in 2009).
We also ask you to demand the freedom of Zhila Karamzadeh Makvandi and Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi, two of the supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park (Mourning Mothers), who are in prison at this time.
International Solidarity with The Mothers of Laleh Park
We strongly condemn the recent unjust sentences issued by the court of appeals, for four supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park
In continuation of the policy of repression and ruthless violence by the judiciary and security authorities of Iran, we are witnessing a new wave of arrests and enforcement of the previously issued sentences for the political and civic activists. We just received the news of the approval of the shockingly unjust sentences by the appeal court for Hakimeh Shokri, Neda Mostaghimi, Mehdi Ramezani and Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi, four of the mothers and supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park.
On December 5, 2010, some families and supporters who had attended a memorial for one of the martyrs of the Green Movement at Behesht-e Zahra cemetery, were illegally arrested together and were taken to Shahr-e Ray Revolutionary Committee Center. Three of them, Hakimeh Shokri, Neda Mostaghimi and Mehdi Ramezani (father of Ramin Ramezani, whom was shot and killed on the street in 2009), were transferred to the 209 ward of Evin prison without any explanation. They spent their temporary arrest under extremely difficult psychological pressures and after spending between one to three months in solitary and enduring constant interrogations, were released temporarily with heavy bails, ranging from one hundred to two hundred fifty thousand toomans. The preliminary court hearing was held on April 12, 2012, under judge Moghiseh and they were each sentenced to three years unsuspended terms for propaganda against the regime and action against the national security in cooperating with The Mothers of Laleh Park. In addition to her three years unsuspended sentence, Neda Mostaghimi received also a one hundred thousand toomans fine for insulting the president. Mr. Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi was also arrested on December 13, 2010 and is still behind bars at the Evin prison for insulting the leader and cooperating with The Mothers of Laleh Park. He spent seven months in solitary, under extreme physical and mental tortures, which caused a mental break down and his consequence transfer to the mental hospital of Amin Abad. His father died after two months as a result of these tragic events. Although he did not appear at his appeal court hearing in protest to his illegal arrest and sentencing, his five year unsuspended sentence was approved by that court. Of these five years, three years are for propaganda against the regime and action against the national security in cooperating with The Mothers of Laleh Park and two years are for insulting the leader.
We, The Mothers of Laleh Park, declare that these arrests, intimidations and sentences shall not deter us a bit in our struggle to seek justice and we will not rest till our just goals are reached. We, while stressing our three basic demands of freedom of all political prisoners, abolishment of death penalty and public trial and punishment of all those responsible for the crimes and killings of the Islamic Republic, demand immediate and unconditional cancelation of all the illegal and unjust sentences against The Mothers of Laleh Park and their supporters.
Mothers of Laleh Park,
The Mothers of Laleh Park (Mourning Mothers of Iran) was formed in Iran after the street killings following the Green Movement of June 2009, when a number of afflicted mothers gathered together in Laleh Park in Tehran. The mothers of Laleh Park reflect the voices of all families of those who have been executed, political and civil prisoners, those who have been tortured, and others who have been harmed by governmental agents during the reign of the Islam regime in Iran. The mothers of Laleh Park consistently support human rights and, despite the pressures and difficulties that they tolerate, are overtly pursuing the following demands:
1. Abolition of the death penalty and execution in any form
2. Immediate and unconditional freedom of all political and ethnic prisoners.
3. A due process and trials for the commanders and the executers of the crimes against humanity committed by the Islamic Regime of Iran from the time of its formation.
The supporters of the Mothers of Laleh Park outside of Iran have formed spontaneously in different cities of the world in alliance with the Mothers and other families of the victims of the Islamic regime in Iran. The alliance of supporters of the Mothers of Laleh Park regard it their human duty to reflect the demands of the Mothers of Laleh Park to the international public and to direct the attention of human rights defenders and international organization to their righteous demands
International Solidarity with the
“Mothers of Laleh Park of Iran”
Dr. Ahmed Shaheed
UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Dear Dr. Ahmad Shaheed;
As was stated to you during a meeting of some of the supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park with you on December 4, 2011 in Frankfurt, and later, in an e-mail pointing to specific cases, human rights abuses in Iran are increasing day by day. Alongside this trend is the approval by the court of appeal of the heavy sentences for some of the supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park, who had been released earlier and were waiting a verdict. These sentences are about to be enforced soon. According to Iran's or even the Islamic Republic's judiciary laws, mere acts of solidarity and support have never been considered a crime. We express our deep concerns regarding these unjust sentences and we ask you to pressure Iran's judiciary system to uphold its legal obligations and act according to its international agreements.
We ask you to prevent the enforcement of the sentences for other supporters of the Mothers of Laleh Park, Hakimeh Shokri, Neda Mostaghimi, and Mehdi Ramezani (father of Ramin Ramezani, whom was shot and killed on the street in 2009).
We also ask you to demand the freedom of Zhila Karamzadeh Makvandi and Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi, two of the supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park (Mourning Mothers), who are in prison at this time.
International Solidarity with The Mothers of Laleh Park of Iran
We strongly condemn the recent unjust sentences issued by the court of appeals, for four supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park
In continuation of the policy of repression and ruthless violence by the judiciary and security authorities of Iran, we are witnessing a new wave of arrests and enforcement of the previously issued sentences for the political and civic activists. We just received the news of the approval of the shockingly unjust sentences by the appeal court for Hakimeh Shokri, Neda Mostaghimi, Mehdi Ramezani and Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi, four of the mothers and supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park.
On December 5, 2010, some families and supporters who had attended a memorial for one of the martyrs of the Green Movement at Behesht-e Zahra cemetery, were illegally arrested together and were taken to Shahr-e Ray Revolutionary Committee Center. Three of them, Hakimeh Shokri, Neda Mostaghimi and Mehdi Ramezani (father of Ramin Ramezani, whom was shot and killed on the street in 2009), were transferred to the 209 ward of Evin prison without any explanation. They spent their temporary arrest under extremely difficult psychological pressures and after spending between one to three months in solitary and enduring constant interrogations, were released temporarily with heavy bails, ranging from one hundred to two hundred fifty thousand toomans. The preliminary court hearing was held on April 12, 2012, under judge Moghiseh and they were each sentenced to three years unsuspended terms for propaganda against the regime and action against the national security in cooperating with The Mothers of Laleh Park. In addition to her three years unsuspended sentence, Neda Mostaghimi received also a one hundred thousand toomans fine for insulting the president. Mr. Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi was also arrested on December 13, 2010 and is still behind bars at the Evin prison for insulting the leader and cooperating with The Mothers of Laleh Park. He spent seven months in solitary, under extreme physical and mental tortures, which caused a mental break down and his consequence transfer to the mental hospital of Amin Abad. His father died after two months as a result of these tragic events. Although he did not appear at his appeal court hearing in protest to his illegal arrest and sentencing, his five year unsuspended sentence was approved by that court. Of these five years, three years are for propaganda against the regime and action against the national security in cooperating with The Mothers of Laleh Park and two years are for insulting the leader.
We, The Mothers of Laleh Park, declare that these arrests, intimidations and sentences shall not deter us a bit in our struggle to seek justice and we will not rest till our just goals are reached. We, while stressing our three basic demands of freedom of all political prisoners, abolishment of death penalty and public trial and punishment of all those responsible for the crimes and killings of the Islamic Republic, demand immediate and unconditional cancelation of all the illegal and unjust sentences against The Mothers of Laleh Park and their supporters.
Mothers of Laleh Park,
The Mothers of Laleh Park (Mourning Mothers of Iran) was formed in Iran after the street killings following the Green Movement of June 2009, when a number of afflicted mothers gathered together in Laleh Park in Tehran. The mothers of Laleh Park reflect the voices of all families of those who have been executed, political and civil prisoners, those who have been tortured, and others who have been harmed by governmental agents during the reign of the Islam regime in Iran. The mothers of Laleh Park consistently support human rights and, despite the pressures and difficulties that they tolerate, are overtly pursuing the following demands:
1. Abolition of the death penalty and execution in any form
2. Immediate and unconditional freedom of all political and ethnic prisoners.
3. A due process and trials for the commanders and the executers of the crimes against humanity committed by the Islamic Regime of Iran from the time of its formation.
The supporters of the Mothers of Laleh Park outside of Iran have formed spontaneously in different cities of the world in alliance with the Mothers and other families of the victims of the Islamic regime in Iran. The alliance of supporters of the Mothers of Laleh Park regard it their human duty to reflect the demands of the Mothers of Laleh Park to the international public and to direct the attention of human rights defenders and international organization to their righteous demands
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